When Tim and I were asked if we would be willing to write a statement about why we choose to give to Hope Clinic, I hesitated at first. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the person that is giving and turn our focus towards the person or family.

If we have a chance to speak about why we give, we always say God is the giver, and He allows us to be a part of His work. We’ve come to learn that giving to others is one of the highest honors God gives us. We’ve also come to learn that God doesn’t call us to give to people who generally can say thank you. They might not even appreciate the gift. Yet, we are made in His image, and He is a giver. Usually giving changes us more than it changes the person who receives.
We learned about Hope Clinic (formerly Pregnancy Choices of Hattiesburg) a while back and have been privileged to become monthly donors over the past 2 years. I don’t think we’re meant to know the full significance of what each little life means to our world, but God knows. He sees. What better honor than to give in honor of those who cannot speak up for themselves? I have been more than pleased with the hearts of the leaders and volunteers of Hope Clinic. They are passionate about Christ. They are passionate about His people- all people. They are passionate about making a difference and being good stewards of the funds entrusted to them. As we all sow our small part into this ministry, may God bring the greatest harvest of life and blessing to all who seek to be life speakers made in His image.
-The Cooper Family