We recently received exciting news that one of our Hope Clinic couples, "Amanda" and "Chris", have decided to solidify their relationship with marriage. This couple has been seen by Hope Clinic for three pregnancies, and all three were very different experiences. Their first pregnancy ended in the heartbreak of miscarriage and it was devastating for Amanda. For their second pregnancy, she was so afraid to attach to her baby and was determined to have an abortion. After taking a seat in the consult room, she blatantly stated “I know what you do here, and I do not want to talk.” She also added that she was here solely for the ultrasound in order to confirm how far along the pregnancy was. This information would give her an idea about which type of abortion procedure she could expect. We respected her wish and lovingly moved forward to provide care during her time of need. Eventually, she opened up to us and discussed her fears. She brought Chris back to the room for their ultrasound. After that visit and some time at home discussing their options, they chose life for their baby!

Over a year later, after moving back to their hometown located a few hours from Hope Clinic, they realized she was pregnant with their third child. They made the long drive to Hattiesburg to receive our services because, as they stated, they were so thankful for Hope Clinic’s impact in their life. During this visit they shared the news that they were engaged to be married. The couple was so excited to share the progress they had made in their lives. Chris had secured a great job and proudly shared how he had been blessed to step up and provide for their family. Amanda and her sonographer discussed the change that had happened since that second visit when she was very closed off. Then, with huge smiles, they showed us recent pictures of their baby girl whose early life almost ended in an abortion. The joy on their faces encouraged us at Hope Clinic as we were reminded that every visit makes a difference. Even when we don’t realize it, the impact is bringing hope to more than our patients. It is also creating hope for the future generation that will be made up of the individual lives each patient carries within them.