'Sarah' is not considered our typical client, but she still needed loving care to 'Help Her Be Brave' so she would not go through this pregnancy alone. Sarah was older, with children, and in a broken marriage after ten years. However, one night Sarah made a poor decision that complicated her life even more. She was disappointed in herself, especially as an educated and mature woman; she questioned why she allowed that night to happen and even more as she found herself pregnant.
Sarah was uncertain how she would start over, and the fear was overwhelming. She believed her only option was abortion. When Sarah came to Hope Clinic to verify her pregnancy, she received much more than she had expected. She found clarity in her pregnancy choice 'to be brave!' Her care coordinator listened with compassion as she shared her heart and most profound regret. Together they sorted through what each decision would bring into Sarah's life. Sarah allowed herself to become vulnerable, sharing her buried thoughts and feelings about having a baby in the turmoil of her life. She was also honest about how abortion conflicted with her Christian beliefs.
Sarah needed the word of God spoken into her life to calm her fears and find courage. Her care coordinator lovingly shared the truth of God's grace and helped clarify misconceptions about the Christian faith. Sarah was surprised to have never thought of the simple fact that this pregnancy did not take God by surprise. As a result, Sarah learned to trust more in God's love, grace, and forgiveness.
Sarah's ultrasound also profoundly impacted her and helped solidify her final decision. When she heard the tiny heartbeat and saw her baby for the first time at just six weeks, it made it very real for her. Praise God, Sarah, chose life!
Hope Clinic will meet more women like Sarah who will need you and me to 'Help Her Be Brave.' As we meet her right where she is, we expose more women like Sarah to God's love and grace to help her be strong and courageous. What can you do to 'Help Her Be Brave?'