"Christine" came to Hope Clinic for emotional support and decision counseling in her second trimester of pregnancy. After Christine found out she was pregnant, she moved back to Mississippi to be closer to her family and have their support. However, she disclosed to the Care Coordinator that her family has not been as supportive as she thought. Due to this lack of support, Christine has felt alone, that no one cares about her, and that maybe she should place the baby for adoption. She expressed to the Care Coordinator her desire to learn more about adoption but was scared to think about that option due to family judgment and thinking that adoption is a neglectful option. The Care Coordinator encouraged Christine about the selflessness and beauty of adoption and how her pregnancy decision should be based on what she feels is best for her and her baby, not other's opinions. The Care Coordinator provided Christine with education on adoption. She was also informed about a local adoption agency and encouraged to have a general informational meeting with them to obtain more knowledge about the adoption process.
The Care Coordinator asked about Christine's spirituality. Christine revealed that although she does not consider herself a Christian, she has always desired to have a relationship with God. With this, the Care Coordinator introduced and presented the gospel, encouraging her to accept the invitation to salvation to experience a close relationship with God. Christine received the invitation and prayed for deliverance. With her newfound faith, the Care Coordinator encouraged Christine to depend on God's power to help her with her pregnancy decision and to love her family through their judgment and hardness. Before Christine left, the Care Coordinator prayed over her and ensured she had a Bible and a daily bible reading plan.
That day, Christine was encouraged by God's love and truth that he would lead her confidently with assurance in her pregnancy decision and that He desires to have a close relationship with her. Hope Clinic continues to connect with Christine to be a part of her support system. Pray for Christine's new faith in Christ.
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17