She picked the test up, and there it was, clear as could be, a plus sign. This was a miracle. ‘Rayna’ has been told for years she would most likely never have children due to her medical condition. She was excited, but the excitement did not last long. Rayna was met with discouragement from her family and unexpectedly lost her job; the excitement began to fade. Ryan was supportive, but due to work, he was always gone. Rayna felt alone, and she started to consider having an abortion as she found herself without the support she knew she needed.
After an online search, she found a local place that could help her. Rayna called and immediately felt the care and concern for her over the phone. She arrived at her appointment feeling depressed. The ladies that day did not rush her through her pregnancy decision. They gave her space to share her concerns and met her with compassion and understanding. During the consult, Rayna shared that she lacked support, especially from her mother. The care coordinator gently began to walk her through a list of the support that she did have. Rayna was reminded that God had not left her and would guide her through any uncertainties she faced. She also shared that when she and Ryan would talk about the future, they had plans to have two children one day.
Children were in their plans, but it did not seem to be the right time. Rayna was provided with an ultrasound, and she will never forget when the lady said, “Remember when you said you wanted two kids one day? Well, you are having twins!” She couldn’t believe it; it was a double miracle. Rayna left that day feeling like she was supported and with another appointment. These women truly cared for her. When she returned for her follow-up appointment, Rayna told the ladies that abortion was not in her thoughts any longer. She was having these babies! She did share that a family member was still suggesting abortion but that it wasn’t phasing her. Since her first visit, Rayna has found a church to attend and is starting the process of healing from past hurts. She was very grateful for the compassion she found at Hope Clinic that gave her the courage to take steps forward, not just to become a mother but for her as a woman.